Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Most Terrifying Thing!

I am extremely protective of my photos. Sometimes I think I would go into serious depression if something were to ever happen to them. So naturally, when my computer informs me that it has no more space (literally), I try to deny that this is due to the thousands of photos I have on it. The thought of even moving, let alone deleting my photos is absolutely terrifying! But unfortunately, it is something that must be done and it is a careful task that I take very seriously. 

The first thing I do is copy all of the photos onto my external hard-drive, note that I don’t “move” the files, I copy. Why? What if something goes terribly wrong?! Maybe that one time I try to move them, they will somehow get lost in space and I will never get them back! So yea, I copy. I always happily sit and watch as the numbers count down, from however many thousand, as they are all being copied over... until that notice pops up asking if I want to copy the duplicate photo... Duplicate? I have a copy of this already?? Where?! I don’t believe you!! I want to.... but my paranoia won’t let me! So YES, copy them anyways! Tens of thousands of photos are not enough to deal with, lets copy DOUBLES of some so when I go back months from now to organize all the photos on my hard-drive I can be frustrated over not knowing which photos I have doubles of and I can then NOT delete any because of my continued paranoia.
Once the photos are copied, I move on to the process of scrolling through all of the copied pictures. Not that I actually remember every single picture and am going to notice if one didn’t happen to copy over, but I sure as hell am going to pretend like I would. Next, I move on to the cycle of unplugging and re-plugging in the hard-drive, just to make sure they are really, REALLY on there. Each time re-scrolling through all of the pictures of course. 
So then comes the most terrifying part, deleting the photos that remain on my computer. The photos that I am SURE I have copied onto my hard-drive. I have checked and rechecked and I am positive it has all been copied and saved. However, knowing this is not at all comforting when my cursor is hovering over that stupid delete button. I check ONE more time! Just to make absolutely positively sure! You know, just in case that hovering action might have made all my photos disappear somehow... Once I come back to this final step, it usually takes a few seconds of self-encouragement and a couple deep breaths before I squint my eyes and finally take the plunge!! 
“Are you sure you want to permanently delete these items? This action cannot be undone.” 
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHYYYY???? Why do you do this to me?!? I already pushed delete! Why would you ask me that? No, I'm not sure anymore! I can’t take this!

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