Thursday, April 21, 2011

When Apologies Just Don't Help

I’m sorry for saying that. I’m sorry for offending you. I’m sorry for making you mad. I'm sorry for annoying you by saying sorry so much. Now let me switch to saying I apologize, so that I don’t wear out all my sorry's too soon. I’m pretty sure most of what I am starting to apologize for is completely out of my control, but I am accepting the blame for it by apologizing, and you aren’t disagreeing, so lets keep this going. Now let me add “truly” and “honestly” to all of my sorry’s, since I have now said it so much that I don’t think you even recognize the fact that I am apologizing to you anymore. How about you keep not responding with a reciprocal apology, so that I can be more annoyed at the whole situation and feel even more resentful about ever saying I’m sorry in the first place. Now that I think about it, I don’t know that I even did anything wrong, but I’m on such a role that I might as well apologize for my inconvenient birth, my decision to speak, and my lack of foresight when it came to the repercussions of my initial apology.


  1. When Apologies Just Don't Help: extended

    How about when a close friend of yours begins to ask a favor of you like this...

    "So I know you probably have a lot going on, and this would not be a top priority, but I was wondering if you would be at all willing to help me out."

    ... and then proceeds to ask you an extremely simple favor of you. One that you might even feel comfortable asking a person that you have recently met.


  2. The previous post followed by an apology just doesn't help :)
