Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Progression of Hysterical Laughter

Opportunity to prevent whatever may come. 

Opportunity not taken.

When I start to gasp for air and buckle my knees, it is not because I am experiencing a heart attack. Although my lack of breathing and need to brace myself on something, may be disconcerting, I assure you, I am in fact ok. 

Once I’ve been stuck on the same sentence for three or more tries because I still can't get past "and then" it becomes somewhat amusing that I am literally incapable of speaking without laughing. Sometimes I will just laugh it out, thinking that if I give myself a second and take a deep breath, I will be able to continue like normal... That never works. 

Unfortunately, closing my mouth doesn't help either, it just promotes more humming laughter, and it increases the likelihood of snorting, which would only escalate the situation further. 

When the pitch of my voice starts to increase, there really is nothing to do to stop what is about to happen next.

While subconsciously I may know that you will not understand anything I am about to try and say, that does not stop me from attempting to communicate with you anyways. I will try my best to recollect myself several times, each time no-doubtedly sniffling and inhaling and choking on spit in the process, even though I am neither sick nor drooling. These attempts will fail, and the hysteria will continue. 

By now, you are probably just annoyed with all this nonsense. Frustrated at the fact that the story has not progressed in the last 10 minutes. I don't blame you. All I can tell you is, just be grateful that my sisters are not around. Because THEN you would have a serious problem. 

1 comment:

  1. ahahaha...yep definitely good if your sisters aren't there!
