Sunday, November 6, 2011

Get Outta Here!

Dear girl at the gym that is obviously not working out,

I don't understand you. You show up at the gym in an outfit that required entirely too much forethought. I'm curious as to what your intentions truly are... because your free-flowing, although gorgeous, mile long, perfectly curled hair, is completely impractical for anything that requires motion beyond a casual walk. The amount of makeup on your face is a dead giveaway that you have no intention of working hard enough to actually accomplish anything, but props on sitting at different machines and going through the motions to try and prove otherwise. PS. see that black stack of things next to you? Those are weights, and that pin thing? it moves. But regardless, you still get looks from every decent looking guy as you sit incorrectly on the machine, chatting to your friend, pointlessly moving your curiously somewhat decent looking legs. I don't know how you look the way you do, but I know it's not fair. You're not doing anything! Get outta here! You make all the sweaty girls look bad!

Mismatched and panting...


  1. agreed. no one should look ready to go out after the gym, there should definitely be need for a shower and wardrobe change before being seen in public after the gym :) ...and why do they always have awesome hair? Is sweat bad for your hair? Should I try to keep my head cool to have beautiful shiny hair? Or are my only choices being sweaty and in shape with frizzy hair, or being chunky with shampoo commercial-worthy hair?

  2. haha apparently there is a way to at least appear to be in shape, and have fabulous hair. We just don't know the secret haha

  3. mindlessly doing your 50th rep of 5lb leg extentions.

    Don't you know more reps > more weight! Don't want to hurt yourself!!!! duh...

  4. haha true. but there is a difference between doing it on purpose and doing it because you are unaware that you're capable of lifting more, annnnd it's an inconvenience to bother with it when your friend is in the middle of telling you a story ;)
